13th August, 2021
August, for many of us, is traditionally our time to take a holiday although for a second year in a row it’s different again! Are you going away? And if you are, will it be a UK staycation or are you brave enough to adventure abroad?
I’m not sure going abroad is worth all the hassle, plus I’d spend my holiday fearful of having to down my margarita and make a midnight dash to the airport!!
Wherever you might be going, a couple of days before you leave you’ll suddenly look around at your happy houseplants and wonder what to do! Risk a friend (over) watering them? Leave them in the bath? Or just lock the door and hope for the best?
None of the above is the answer!
Here’s what’s worked for me, even when I’ve been away for three weeks.
Most houseplants are happy to be watered well once every two weeks; so give your plants a good watering the day before you leave and move them all to a cool room, away from direct light, with them grouped together to create their very own microclimate. The bathroom is an ideal place for this.
For plants that require a little water once a week; water them the day before you go, then group them together on a damp towel in your bath or shower.
This will keep your green beauties happy while you are away and you can enjoy your margarita wherever you may decide to go – wishing you all happy and safe holidays – mine’s not until January!
Lots of Love